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Commercial Power Sweeping has the equipment and training needed for any sweeping operation.

We offer a premium product to each of our customers. When you utilize Commercial Power Sweeping to handle your street and construction sweeping requirements, you'll get superior results each and every time.

Construction Site

Commercial Power Sweeping can handle any sweeping challenge

Whether you have the toughest milling job or a regular municipal sweeping route, we can handle it. Our employees are highly trained, uniformed and able to contact our office at any time. The Commercial Power Sweeping fleet includes a variety of late model, municipal-class air and broom sweepers, so you can be assured we'll put the right machine – with the right operator – on your job each and every time. Our fleet size allows us to have backup sweepers, too, so you can be confident that we'll be on your job as specified.

There are no specific state-mandated regulatory requirements for sweeping companies. However, because of our emphasis on quality and many years of involvement with the power sweeping industry, Commercial Power Sweeping complies with the highest standards in our national industry.

NAPSA Certified Logo Commercial Power Sweeping, Inc. was the second contractor in America to gain professional 'Certified Sweeping Contractor' status through the North American Power Sweeping Industry (NAPSA). Our national certification is your assurance that Commercial Power Sweeping adheres to the highest standards in the power sweeping industry.

This comprehensive certification process cannot even be applied for until a sweeping company has been in operation for a minimum of five years. Then, NAPSA looks at all aspects of a company's operation prior determining whether or not it qualifies for Certification. To date, of the approximately 5,000 sweeping contractors in the U.S., fewer than 50 have gained the Certified Sweeping Contractor designation.

World Sweeping Association Ethics Button WSA logo Commercial Power Sweeping is a Founding Member of World Sweeping Association; in addition, our company president, Karl Stauty, is on the Advisory Board of WSA. We are also a founding member of WSA's Ethics in Power Sweeping initiative. We invite you to use the button shown to the right to take a look at the ethical requirements for membership. Take a look at the requirements to find out if your current contractor offers the same peace of mind and added value.

We invite you to click on the logo to take a look at these requirements. Feel free to use the form to find out if your current contractor offers the same peace of mind and added value.

Featured Contractor We were chosen as a 2008 Contractor of the Month by Only 12 out of over 5,000 U.S. sweeping contractors are chosen for this recognition each year.

The feature included an approximately seven minute interview with Karl Stauty, our president. Use this link if you would like to check out the interview.

Quality Service Every Time

Eagle Our experienced crews and well-maintained equipment mean we won't be the 'weak link in the chain.' Especially in the tougher sweeping applications like cleanup around milling operations, it's very important to have a united effort at all times.

This is even more true when working within lane closures or when roadway closures are time-limited. Commercial Power Sweeping offers the trained operators to make sure the job gets done as specified, each and every time.

Our standard street/construction sweeping includes:
  • on-time arrival to the job ready to go to work,
  • correct sweeper provided for the given scope of work,
  • experienced, well-trained operators,
  • all personnel in uniform and with positive attitudes,
  • up-to-date sweepers that are serviced and capable,
We also offer:
  • attenuator trucks with up to 1,000 gallons of extra water,
  • dumptrucks,
  • DOT or similar signage as per requirements,
  • sweeping in sub-freezing weather,
  • choice of air- or broom-based sweepers,
  • other equipment (backhoes, loaders, etc.) by request.
In most instances, we have a backup sweeper available for immediate service in the event of a breakdown. At Commercial Power Sweeping you won't hear excuses about us not being able to sweep when we're scheduled. Backup sweepers are onhand for immediate use in the event one of our front-line sweepers goes down. These machines also allow us to have a quick reaction time for accident cleanup, emergency spills, etc.

Why Choose Commercial Power Sweeping Like what you read, but can't switch to Commercial Power Sweeping until a future date? For your future reference, we invite you to download and print out a pdf file that outlines the professional approach Commercial Power Sweeping takes to street and construction sweeping. Please keep it in your files for future reference. When you need us, we'll be there for you!

If you would like a current reference list for parking area sweeping or any of the projects we handle, give us a call or use our contact form to request one.

Get a Professional Needs Assessment

Please let us know how we may assist you by requesting a FREE professional assessment from our management team. We'll be glad to help you in any way we can.

Clients Include
  • municipalities
  • construction companies,
  • state DOTs,
  • county DOTs,
  • homeowner associations,
  • milling contractors,
  • airports and more.
Sweeper Facts
There are some main points to consider when trying to assess how sweeping should fit into an overall NPDES pollution reduction plan.

First off, answer the question "Why are we sweeping?"

Find out more.
Remove PM10s
Designers of sweeping programs need to learn about the relatively inexpensive role sweeping has in removing pollutants from the runoff stream.

Street cleaning has the broadest potential for reducing stormwater pollution in the urban environment.

Find out more.
Contact Us

     P.O. Box 6005
     Suffolk, VA 23433
     Ph: 757-238-2575
     Fx: 757-238-3669
     Send Us An Email

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